The close relationship between Ririn dwi Ariyanti with Aldi Bargi is finally revealed. it is because they are now dare to appear publicly. The couple was seen arm in arm intimately when they finished watching premier show of "Saus kacang" film at Pondok Indah Mall 2, South Jakarta, on Tuesday, December 13, 2008.
When they were asked about how far their relationship is, they just answered it casually. "We don't take it seriously, we meet each other without plan. We just feel close when we see each other. So we will see what happen then," said Aldi while his hand hold Ririn's. Aldi had ever married with an Indonesian singer Ike Nurjanah, but they have divorced.
According to news, Ririn would be married with this widower in 2009, but the news was direcly denied by Ririn. "It is not right at all. We don't plan anything, we just want to enjoy ourselves for a while. We will try to understand each other. This is the first important thing." said Ririn.
As we know, Ririn Dwi Ariyanti had ever been Benny Mulya's girlfriend for about 2,5 year. Menawhile, Aldi Bargi had divorced since early 2007 and had had a daughter. Previously, Aldi had also ever fell in love with presenter Terry Putri. So, would Ririn marry Aldi? Time will answer it. However, if Ririn like it, the writer of this blog also love her very much. Would Ririn know about it?