Ririn Gets Her Scholarship Degree
By Adi Afifa Kurnia
Ririn Dwi Ariyanti, a Indonesian film star, had the degree of the Scholar at Communication study. However, hen the graduation ceremony was held, Ririn said that she regretted about her study.

"I regret because I should finish my study in 3,5 years, not in 4 years as it is ow," said Ririn after graduation in his campus of the Paramadina University, Street. Jend. Gatot Soebroto, Jakarta.
The virgin who was on the rise through her film "CINCIN" (the 'Ring') in fact planned to finish her study in 3,5 years. But there was still one subject she did not complete it yet.
Ririn passed her study with the quite satisfactory value. Her GPA is 3.47. She smoothly passed her final exam which discussed her thesis entitle: the effectiveness of Spesialism Adventure of IO Angel at Citra Innovasion on Circle Store (direct retail customer survey survey on TV.
"Earlier I am afraid my chapter 2 of the thesis can not pass the selection. And it is recommended to subtitute the topic," she said putting in mind about the past.
Currently this Olivia Zalianty's friend can lighten. The degree of the scholarship is already on her hands and she plans to continue her study the master level.
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