Ririn Goes into the Jail
By Adi Afifa Kurnia

Ririn indeed entered the prison. She entered the Pondok Bambu Detention Centre, located at Pahlawan Revolusi street Street, number 38, Pondok Bambu, Jakarta East.
The artist who just had the degree of the scholar from the Paramadina University entered the detention centre because of the invitation of his friend, Revaldo. In this detention centre, Revaldo held the agenda to have dinner with prisoners and staffs of detention centre during the Fasting day of Moslem.
"Because I'm invited, I come. Moreover, I'm not very busy right now, and I'm eager to share with fellows inside." She said.
Entering the prison, Ririn claimed she did no frighten. Se was very enthusiastic because she never went into prison before. "I Want to know he situation inside here," she said while hurriedly entering the detention centre.
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